2016³â 6¿ù 12ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - »ý¸íÀÇ µ¿»ê ¿¡µ§
¡ß MOVIE LINK : 06-13 | VIEW : 745
2016³â 6¿ù 12ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - »ý¸íÀÇ µ¿»ê ¿¡µ§

(â 2:4-17) ¡º[4] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ÃµÁö¸¦ âÁ¶ÇϽŠ¶§¿¡ õÁöÀÇ Ã¢Á¶µÈ ´ë·«ÀÌ ÀÌ·¯Çϴ϶ó [5] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ¶¥¿¡ ºñ¸¦ ³»¸®Áö ¾Æ´ÏÇÏ¼Ì°í °æÀÛÇÒ »ç¶÷µµ ¾ø¾úÀ¸¹Ç·Î µé¿¡´Â ÃʸñÀÌ ¾ÆÁ÷ ¾ø¾ú°í ¹ç¿¡´Â ä¼Ò°¡ ³ªÁö ¾Æ´ÏÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç [6] ¾È°³¸¸ ¶¥¿¡¼­ ¿Ã¶ó¿Í ¿Â Áö¸éÀ» Àû¼Ì´õ¶ó [7] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ÈëÀ¸·Î »ç¶÷À» ÁöÀ¸½Ã°í »ý±â¸¦ ±× ÄÚ¿¡ ºÒ¾î ³ÖÀ¸½Ã´Ï »ç¶÷ÀÌ »ý·ÉÀÌ µÈÁö¶ó [8] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ µ¿¹æÀÇ ¿¡µ§¿¡ µ¿»êÀ» â¼³ÇÏ½Ã°í ±× ÁöÀ¸½Å »ç¶÷À» °Å±â µÎ½Ã°í [9] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ±× ¶¥¿¡¼­ º¸±â¿¡ ¾Æ¸§´ä°í ¸Ô±â¿¡ ÁÁÀº ³ª¹«°¡ ³ª°Ô ÇÏ½Ã´Ï µ¿»ê °¡¿îµ¥¿¡´Â »ý¸í³ª¹«¿Í ¼±¾ÇÀ» ¾Ë°Ô ÇÏ´Â ³ª¹«µµ ÀÖ´õ¶ó [10] °­ÀÌ ¿¡µ§¿¡¼­ ¹ß¿øÇÏ¿© µ¿»êÀ» Àû½Ã°í °Å±â¼­ºÎÅÍ °¥¶óÁ® ³× ±Ù¿øÀÌ µÇ¾úÀ¸´Ï [11] ù°ÀÇ À̸§Àº ºñ¼ÕÀ̶ó ±ÝÀÌ ÀÖ´Â ÇÏÀª¶ó ¿Â ¶¥¿¡ µÑ·ÈÀ¸¸ç [12] ±× ¶¥ÀÇ ±ÝÀº Á¤±ÝÀÌ¿ä ±×°÷¿¡´Â º£µ¨¸®¾ö°ú È£¸¶³ëµµ ÀÖÀ¸¸ç [13] µÑ° °­ÀÇ À̸§Àº ±âÈ¥ÀÌ¶ó ±¸½º ¿Â ¶¥¿¡ µÑ·È°í [14] ¼Â° °­ÀÇ À̸§Àº Èýµ¥°ÖÀ̶ó ¾Ñ¼ö¸£ µ¿ÆíÀ¸·Î È帣¸ç ³Ý° °­Àº À¯ºê¶óµ¥´õ¶ó [15] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ±× »ç¶÷À» À̲ø¾î ¿¡µ§ µ¿»ê¿¡ µÎ»ç ±×°ÍÀ» ´Ù½º¸®¸ç ÁöÅ°°Ô ÇϽðí [16] ¿©È£¿Í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ±× »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô ¸íÇÏ¿© °¡¶ó»ç´ë µ¿»ê °¢Á¾ ³ª¹«ÀÇ ½Ç°ú´Â ³×°¡ ÀÓÀÇ·Î ¸ÔµÇ [17] ¼±¾ÇÀ» ¾Ë°Ô ÇÏ´Â ³ª¹«ÀÇ ½Ç°ú´Â ¸ÔÁö ¸»¶ó ³×°¡ ¸Ô´Â ³¯¿¡´Â Á¤³ç Á×À¸¸®¶ó ÇϽô϶ó¡»

(â 2:4-17) ¡º[4] This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-- [5] and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground, [6] but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground-- [7] the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. [8] Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. [9] And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground--trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. [10] A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. [11] The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. [12] (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) [13] The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. [14] The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. [15] The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. [16] And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; [17] but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."¡»

  1222    2016³â 8¿ù 7ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - Çϳª´ÔÀ» º¸¸ç »ð½Ã´Ù.  985 
  1221    2016³â 7¿ù 31ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ÁÖ´ÔÀÌ »ç¼Ì´ø °Íó·³  1014 
  1220    2016³â 7¿ù 31ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - ¾ø´Â °Í °°ÀÌ Ç϶ó  884 
  1219    2016³â 7¿ù 24ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ¿©¸§Ã¶ ½Å¾Ó°ü¸®  895 
  1218    2016³â 7¿ù 24ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - ÀÌ°ÍÀÌ ¹ÏÀ½ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.  895 
  1217    2016³â 7¿ù 17ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - Çå½ÅÀÇ Á¾·ù  886 
  1216    2016³â 7¿ù 10ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ÁÖ´ÔÀ» üÇèÇÑ »ç¶÷Àº  886 
  1215    2016³â 7¿ù 10ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - µ¿Çà  869 
  1214    2016³â 7¿ù 03ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ¸ÆÃßÀýÀ» ÁöÅ°¶ó  845 
  1213    2016³â 7¿ù 03ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - Çϳª´ÔÀÇ »ç¶ûÀ» ¹ÞÀ¸·Á¸é  793 
  1212    2016³â 6¿ù 26ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ¾Æº§ÀÇ ¼ø±³ ÀÌ¾ß±â  910 
  1211    2016³â 6¿ù 26ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - ȸº¹ÇؾßÇÒ ¿µ¼º °¨»ç  870 
  1210    2016³â 6¿ù 19ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ÇູÀÇ ¿­¼è °¨»ç  901 
  1209    2016³â 6¿ù 19ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - Çå½ÅÀÇ Á¤½Å  732 
      2016³â 6¿ù 12ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - »ý¸íÀÇ µ¿»ê ¿¡µ§  745 
  1207    2016³â 6¿ù 12ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - ½É°í °¡²Ù¾î¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.  734 
  1206    2016³â 6¿ù 05ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - º¹À» ¹ÞÀ¸·Á¸é  748 
  1205    2016³â 5¿ù 29ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ½Ã·Ã ¼Ó¿¡ ¼û°ÜÁø º¸È­  754 
  1204    2016³â 5¿ù 29ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ ¸»¾¸ - Çϳª´ÔÀÇ À̸§À» °Ç ¾à¼Ó  760 
  1203    2016³â 5¿ù 22ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü ¸»¾¸ - ȸ½É(º¦¿¤·Î ¿Ã¶ó°¡¶ó)  740 
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